(1) The disaster of selective morality.(2) The need for proper covering.
(1) The problem of moral relativism.(2) The need for a true and faithful king.
(1) The problem of partial piety.(2) The need for a proper priest.
(1) The Bottom Line for Pontius Pilate and Roman Authorities(2) The Bottom Line for the Jewish Authorities and Judaism(3) The Bottom Line for our Sovereign God
(1) The disappointing distress of ungodly desire.(2) The prevailing purpose of God.
(1) The persistent presence of sin.(2) God’s gracious provision of a deliverer.
(1) The danger of undiscerning words.(2) The disaster of self-seeking dissent.
(1) The Nature of the Servant's Mission.(2) The Object of the Servant's Mission.
(1) The object of God’s delight.(2) The scope of God’s delight.
(1) Seeking the Lord’s coming.(2) Trusting in the coming Lord.
(1) The certainty of Zion’s glorious future.(2) The call of Zion to proclaim the glory of God.
(1) The disastrous error of intermittent repentance.(2) the desperate need for a true deliverer.
(1) The danger of unbiblical leadership.(2) The prevailing of God’s truth.
1. Abram’s Call (Genesis 12) 2. Abraham’s Call Fulfilled, Reaffirmed & Focused in the unfolding of God’s Great Plan: “In you shall all nations be blessed,” Galatians 3:8 3. Our…
(1) God's wisdom in reducing resources.(2) The assuring comfort of God's grace.
(1) God calls His people to true repentance.(2) God sends His messenger to deliver His people from their sin.
(1) The certainty of God’s faithfulness.(2) The uncertainty of man’s faithfulness.(3) The assurance of things to come.
(1) God uses a variety of people to accomplish His purposes.(2) God delivers His people through a prophet, priest, and king.