Outline: I. The Baptism of Jesus II. The Praise of the Father III. The New Adam
Outline: I. The Need to Repent II. The Qualities of a Repentant Life III. A Greater BaptizerOutline:
Outline: I. The Wilderness II. The Prophet III. The Message
1 Seeing the crowds, he went up on the mountain, and when he sat down, his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouth and taught them, saying:…
Outline: I. Across the Lake: Lord of the Storm II. The Wrong Side of the Lake: Seeking the Lost Sheep III. The Hopeless Sheep: Dehumanized by Demons IV. The Good…
Outline: I. Hostility: a. King Herod b. The "Rulers of Jerusalem" II. Indifference: The Jewish Citizens III. Worship/Devotion/Gifts IV. What Do the Wise Men Teach Us?
Outline: I. Called to Hope: Resting in Grace II. Called to be like God: Striving to Holiness III. Called to Love: Strangers in a Strange Land
Outline: I. Many Who Sleep Shall Awake II. May Will Run To and Fro III. Many Shall Purify Themselves
Outline: I. A Family Trip II. Awkward Moments III. An Obedient Son