Our Pastors

Picture of Pastor Smiling

Rev. Brandon Edmonds

Senior Pastor / Teaching Elder

Pastor Brandon is originally from the Central Valley town of Hanford and has recently moved back to the Valley from the island of Oahu. In Hawaii as a theology teacher, chaplain, and was ordained as associate pastor in 2018. He also taught for Pac Rim University in Honolulu. Brandon was called by Sierra View and started as senior pastor in August 2023. Brandon has studied at Cal Poly SLO (B.A. in English), Westminster Seminary California (M.Div.), and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary (Th.M. Biblical Theology).

He loves being a pastor, and he has a heart for connecting Biblical teaching and theological truth to everyday life. Brandon and his wife, Anna, have been married since 2010, and they have two children, Eliza and Arthur. Brandon loves cooking, coffee, hosting, reading good fiction, and rollerblading.

Email: bedmonds@sierraviewpca.org

Picture of pastor smiling.

Rev. Edward Veldheizen

Emeritus Pastor in Residence

Pastor Edward & Jan Veldhuizen have been part of our congregation since 2006. He was ordained in 1964 and received his Doctorands Degree from the University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. He and his wife, Jan, have served congregations in the United States as well as the Paulus congregation in the Netherlands.

Since retirement, he has had seven interim positions in various states. He has also taught short term in the former Soviet Republics of Kazakhstan & Belarus on seven occasions.

It is their joy to be part of Sierra View family of Christ for over 15 years where the Scriptures are carefully studied and the Reformation doctrines of Repentance, Grace, Mercy, Forgiveness and Caring are practiced.


Rick Moore


Rick has been an elder at Sierra View for over 20 years. He is a native of Southern California who moved to Fresno thirty years ago and, soon after, met and married the love of his life, Janet. Together they raised two precious sons. Rick followed his father’s example and went into law, which provided him the opportunity to work for Campus Crusade for Christ and then for the Fresno County Courthouse. He is recently retired, and he is active in leadership of the Men’s breakfast, midweek bible study, and the PCA’s prison ministry, Metenoia Ministries.

Rick’s favorite thing is to be hiking in the mountains, soaking in the beauty of God’s creation. He also enjoys reading, walking and gardening.

Dennis Ferris


Dennis has been an elder at Sierra View since 2001. He met his wife, Nancy, while working at the Galley Restaurant in Morro Bay in 1970. They were married two years later, and they have lived a happy and eventful life together ever since. Together they have two sons and two grandchildren.

Dennis recently retired from teaching Culinology®, Nutrition, Food Systems Management, and Food Science as a professor for Fresno State where he taught for 23 years.

Dennis is active in leading our Adult Sunday School, and he spends much of his time doing small scale farming and food production.


Team Member


Harry Jameson has been a member of Sierra View since 1990.  In his time at Sierra View, he has served the church as both a Ruling Elder and a Deacon. In addition, he has been active in the music ministry and in teaching Sunday school classes from elementary to adult age groups.

Harry and his wife, Janice, raised three boys at Sierra View, and they now have eight grandchildren. Harry works as a primary care pediatrician.

Hobbies include music, gardening, jam-making, and herpetology.

Picture of deacon smiling

Team Member


Rob has lived in the Fresno area since his early childhood. He attended Fresno Christian schools and Fresno State university. He has worked in the manufacturing sector as an engineer since graduating. Rob has attended Sierra View since the summer of 2013 after becoming aware of Reformed Theology and seeing the need to find a new church. He became a member in the fall of 2014 and was ordained as a deacon in 2016.

Picture of a wise man in an apron looking wistfully at a table.

Team Member



Randy Berger

Worship Director

Randy has served as the Lead Musician at Sierra View Presbyterian since 2017. In addition to singing and playing piano and guitar, he oversees the additional singers and instrumentalists for our services and directs our seasonal choir.

Having served in staff Music Director positions in the greater Fresno area for 45 years, Randy enjoys the more intimate feel and good singing that accompany our services. Give the congregation good melodic songs with rich theology, and they will sing!

After having made a commitment to Christ in 1973 in Minneapolis, MN, Randy came out to California in 1974, met his wife, Sherrill, and they married in 1977. Randy accompanied and taught choral singing in Fresno schools for 30 years, and he retired in 2018. He still serves his main school, Bullard TALENT on a part-time basis, and also accompanies the Community Choir of the Valley and directs the Retired Teachers Chorus.

Randy and Sherrill have two grown sons, Lee and Joel, and four beautiful grandchildren. They also serve 3 cats, a dog, and two parakeets!