A New Year’s Refocus
“I’m going to stop eating sugar!” “I’m going to start working out again! Again!” New Year’s Resolutions: you gotta love ‘em. I always notice how the sporting goods stores load their showrooms with ellipticals and treadmills at the end of the year. Watch Craigslist in 8 weeks: “Workout equipment for sale, like new!” We’re pretty fickle, aren’t we?
This week’s “Wednesday’s Words” will be a little different from all the others. Instead of a devotional, I thought I’d lay before you a helpful list of questions for your consideration in the coming year. Rather than a New Year’s Resolution, consider it a New Year’s Refocus. It’s a short post this week. And, for the record, these aren’t original from me. We came across them someplace online, and I’ve simply edited them slightly.
As you reflect on your walk with Christ over the past 12 months, I wonder what you’ve learned. What has God taught you about Himself and about yourself? What might He be preparing you for in the New Year? To help guide you through those questions, here’s the list of 7 more that may be of value to you.
- What’s one thing you could do this year to increase your enjoyment of God?
- What’s the most humanly impossible thing you will ask of God this year?
- What’s the single most important thing you could do to improve the quality of your devotional or prayer life this year?
- In which spiritual discipline do you most want to make progress this year? What means has God given for you to make progress?
- What was the biggest time waster of last year in your life?
- What is the most helpful new way you could strengthen your church this year?
- What is the thing you will do this year that will matter most in 10 years?
I hope you’ll give consideration to these questions. There is no right or wrong answer to any of them, and we’ll all have different ones. They are meant to get us all thinking and praying about things that matter as the New Year approaches. May God be gracious to you as you refocus your soul in joyful pursuit of His glory. Happy New Year’s to you all.

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